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I live in Mid Missouri on a farm with my husband and daughter.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Family & Sewing

Well, for those wondering, Friday night football got off to a great start.........53-0 win!  Carter had 2 touchdowns, and Jackson (in his first varsity start, playing both sides the whole game) had an interception.  

This was completed in the first quarter!  The eye buttons are just laying on it in this photo.  I'll attach those after it's quilted.  There was some learning with this, since I drew the pattern myself (imagine graph paper and colored pencils and you are right on track).  I would definitely choose darker stems for the 1st and 3rd jack-o-lanterns.

Saturday was the annual family gathering at my parents' house in Bethany.  We were just going for the day, so wanted to make the most of our time...........left at 6:45 am, and got home at 11:30 pm.  DD's roommate, Paige, came home with her, so tagged along for the fun.  It was a day of produce swapping, card playing, quilt showing and telling (and gifting!), and lots of food!  I made 2 large potato casseroles, a pan of ranch mac & cheese, fresh smoked salsa, fresh guacamole, a pan of scotcheroos, and the hubs smoked and grilled 32 pork burgers!

I gifted some of the things I had completed and quilted myself.
Sister-in-law Karen got this wall hanging which matches the placemats she got last year.

Cousin Melinda snagged this lap quilt up.  

Aunt Judy got the Kitchen Sink, and my mom's cousins Sharon and Mary Ann got the Oklahoma Backroads and Secret Santa throw quilts.  My sister put her name on my Friday Night Lights quilt (made during her boy's football games last fall), but I told her I was putting it in our quilt show in October and she could have it after that.

Sunday morning we slept in a little.  Our neighbors were out of town, so we had to take care of their rabbits - about 100.  Well, one of the little red mini rex bunnies had escaped his cage and was running around the barn.  The hubs and I made some attempts to catch him with the net, but finally gave up and went back to watering and feeding.  I put some food and water on the floor for him in hopes of tempting him, and finally, I did manage to snag him in the net on one of his romps around the barn.  His name is now Stewy!

I made DD's favorite, pot roast with carrots, mashed potatoes, and noodles for lunch Sunday.  Since I was making noodles, I did a batch of flavored fettuccine for my nephew Jackson.  It smelled really good.

I'll deliver it when we go up for a football game.  Maybe I'll throw in some homemade pasta sauce from the freezer.

After a nap, some Sunday afternoon sewing happened..........or tried to.  I decided to dig out the Farm Girl Vintage blocks I had cut earlier in the summer and sew some together.  I was working on the first one, called Apron Strings, and discovered that I hadn't cut the right varieties of fabrics.  I thought I could make it work, then when trying to sew the quadrants together realized that I had sewn them incorrectly.  Since things were already trimmed, there was no saving this one.
The squares on the right are the incorrect results of my attempt at this block.  Maybe my Aunt Judy would like to have these.............I know she loves LITTLE pieces!  Kidding!  It's back to the cutting table for this block.  My third block was the baby chick block.  Unfortunately, I forgot to cut the wing piece.  I did what I could without the wing, and the stack of pieces is on the left............more cutting table time.

I did get the second block (I'm doing them as the come in the book, alphabetically) finished.
It was called Autumn Star, I think.  It's only a 6 inch block, so is really cute.  I also completed a couple of my green leader/ender blocks while doing these blocks.  So, I went 1 for 3 on the Farm Girl Vintage blocks.  Oh well, it's a marathon, not a sprint and I am definitely pacing myself.

The girls - all 3 of them - (Dory came home for the weekend as well), will be heading back to school today.  I wasn't sure how Dory would adjust to being an inside cat, but she seems to be taking it in stride.
She enjoyed time in the window seat on her pillow.  It's a tough life!  


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