On the drive home from Omaha Sunday, I stopped for a "restroom" break at the north end of St. Joseph. I could have chosen to enter a gas station/convenience store, but there was another (much better!) option...........the Jesse James Antique Mall! Immediately after exiting the restroom, I found this little beauty in one of the booths!

Can't you see the basket handle here? Several years ago, I asked the hubster if he had any of these around and yes he did. But when I asked for one to use as a handle for a basket, I was informed that he USED these tools. Now, I have never seen him use one of these, especially not when I'm sure he has more than one option of power tool to do the same job. I mean we're talking about the man who uses power tools to open and gut a pumpkin for carving! So when I saw this one with the cute red paint for only $4..........SCORE! Now to remember how I was going to incorporate it as a basket handle. I did wander the booths for awhile. It was a nice leg stretch and you never know what you will find.
Of course, I'm always interested in old sewing machines.
I only found the toy size ones.............the one below is a Holly Hobby version.
And I'm always on the lookout for old potato mashers that can be used as basket handles. This mall had some very interesting ones.
I found this rather large one, but couldn't visualize a basket with a handle that tall.
And this itty bitty one was adorable, but I didn't want to make a basket that small.
And these two were equally interesting, but not really right for a basket............am I a little like Goldilocks here or what! There were many more potato mashers, but I ended up leaving all them behind, because none were just right. Probably none could match up to the first potential basket handle I scored!
There were many other interesting and eye catching things............
I liked the bobber Lake sign and the KC Chiefs truck below.
And this cow was charming..........
The Farm House sign with the sunflower and windmill was nice too.
And there were so many deer antlers (with very nice prices on them).
I use antlers to make baskets as well, but I have a shelf full of ones that David finds in the fields. I just need more time to make baskets!
And there were some old quilts, but still no sewing machines!
This measuring cup caught my eye and almost made it home with me, but I decided to leave it for the next person.
The added bonus to the Jesse James Antique Mall was that there was another place, The Rusty Chandelier right next door. Now, we had visited The Rusty Chandelier in Laurel, MS (TV show Home Town on HGTV) on our vacation this summer and were disappointed in the fact that WE were probably the oldest things in the place. So I asked the gentleman about it when I was checking out and he said they would have some antiques, but it was a lot of repurposed and decorator type things. I decided to check it out.
There was a large outdoor area that had some interesting things............. I liked these old John Deere planter boxes. They would make nice flower pots, but the price was pretty steep.
Of course this would be where I found the old sewing machines..........outside! Can you see it there in the middle of all the junk? I didn't pick my way through for a closer photo because I could see it was in a pretty sad state.
Inside, things were nicer and I found some more old quilts.
And a sewing machine turned lamp. It was a Minnesota machine.
When I arrive home in the afternoon, it seemed as though everyone had missed me. I worked on laundry and some house cleaning before settling down with the wonderful soup (made from the mix I picked up at the craft show in Omaha) to watch the Chiefs game. The hubster headed to bed while they were losing, but I stayed up to see the late overtime WIN!
Yesterday was a day for running some errands, and catching up with a little cleaning before piano students in the afternoon. The BIG accomplishment of the morning was bathing (not me, I do that regularly. We're talking cats!). This had been on the to do list for some time. Now there are tricks to bathing cats. First you close all the bedroom doors to eliminate hiding under the beds. Now, Esme is more puppy than kitty, so she was following me all over the house and was delighted to watch the tub fill with water. Cici was trying to find a place to hide!
Once both girls were safely shut in the bathroom with the prepared tub, shampoo, conditioner, and towels, Cici was placed in the tub first and immediately hushed her crying as she leaned into the scrubbing with the warm water and tried to knead the bottom of the tub with her paws. You don't even have to hold on to her, it's just getting her there that is the challenge. Then it was Esme's turn. Now she had been on my heel or at my elbow the whole time watching everything, but once in the water, look out. She had to be held with a steel grip. And it takes much longer to get all that hair wet and shampooed.
And the drying time is much lengthier as well. She kept her sour expression all morning while she moved to the different sunny spots.
Cici dried out much quicker.
Both girls, well, all three, since David gave Willow a bath as well, are very soft and fluffy this morning.
Apparently I am having difficulty adjusting to the time change since I am up so early doing this post. I'm looking forward to spending the entire day at home in the sewing room. The longarm is waiting!
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