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I live in Mid Missouri on a farm with my husband and daughter.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Catching up on the quilting!

Before we start catching up on the quilting, let me reassure everyone who was concerned about the missing numbered pin..........

Number 5 was found later that same day, but weeks later...........

Number 3 was discovered when I caught Cici playing with it when she thought I wasn't looking.  And now I know the hiding place!  She can hide pins in the crease at the back of the steps!  

In October the next issue of Quiltmaker Magazine released and it contained the last installment of the Ruby Jubilee quilt.  Basically showing how to set the blocks and add the pieced borders.  I was totally disappointed.  I had enjoyed making all the different blocks in all the sizes from my red and neutral scraps, and it was like there had never been a plan for these blocks.  I went to work on it anyway with my trusty helper inspecting each panel to see that I had followed the horrible design.

You will see my finished flimsy later in the post.  It called for a pieced border of red and neutral half square triangles, and then a red scrap piano key border.  I definitely wasn't doing that when I didn't like the design, so I changed it up some and came out with something that is okay, I guess.  Anyway, it's a flimsy waiting to be quilted.

I used some scraps to make this little quilt for Sarah's kitten.  It just fits in the seat of the recliner.  (yes, I should have rotated the photo, but I didn't get that done before importing to the blog............ just lean your head to the right).

And it has a scrap of flannel on the back.

I did some quilting for a friend.  I did a quilt for her and then she had 7 of these little mug rugs.  I just cross hatched the mug rugs, but I thought they were pretty cute.

And I did this table runner for her.  I tried out some different designs in the triangles.

I needed a backing for another quilt, so planned a quick trip to quilt shop in Chillicothe and to meet my parents for lunch.........but then, saw a Facebook post about the shop in Cameron closing and there being a SALE!  So we met in Cameron instead.  If you finished a bolt, it was 50% off, and I figured that a backing would finish a bolt.  I needed 9 yards, and finally found a bolt that still had 8.75 yards on it, so I'm hoping it will work.  I really liked the fabric.  

Mom and I walked all around the shop and took pictures of the things we liked........

The guild had the fall retreat the last weekend in October.  I worked on several projects, most of which I don't have pictures of.  But, someone was making this table runner, so I brought some scraps in and joined in the table runner fun on Saturday.  I like the design, but can't say I'm totally thrilled with my colors.  Of course, pressing and quilting may help it.

Another member is moving so was unloading some fat quarters for a quarter and free books, so I did a little shopping.  

Like I really needed any more pattern ideas or fabric........I spent so much time in October cutting down scraps just to get the lids to close on my scrap containers.  I guess it was worth it since I had room to toss in some of these beauties.  I have a nice bag full of them to share with my mom when she stops by tomorrow.

And here were the big flimsy finishes for October.  First let me say that these photos were taken in the front of the house yesterday as my clothesline wasn't tall enough.  And the hubster was working on the roof over the front porch, so had 4 ladders out and I thought it was obviously an opportune time for him to hold up some quilt tops..............if only he could stretch his arms a little to really hold them out nicely!  The breeze didn't help, but you can get the idea.

And the whole time he was working, I kept thinking about those 4 ladders..............quadruple the opportunity for him to fall off a ladder again.

This is my Pixel Chain top that I started as a sew along with Sew Sweet Quilt Shop.  It measures 99x99, queen size, for my bed.  This is the one I bought the backing for in Cameron.

And here is Ruby Jubilee.  You can see what I mean about it looking like a hodge podge of blocks just thrown together.  

I'm hoping it will get better with quilting.


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