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I live in Mid Missouri on a farm with my husband and daughter.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Christi Mystery 2023

 Our guild meeting was last night and members brought their mystery quilts to share.  The first clue had been given at our February meeting and then a clue a week was posted on our Facebook page.  So here is my finished quilt.  I loved this layout for the motion it added to the quilt.  I put a narrow neutral border on it and then used the leftover scraps from the jelly roll to add a pieced border.

I showed it at the meeting last night and we got to see all of the mystery quilts.........

Marsha's black and white............

Georgann's in Christmas colors............I hope she and Marsha (above) bind in red.

Judy's reproductions fabrics.............the neutrals were all the same fabric and it had covered wagons on it.

Pam's version..........a little smaller because she skipped the last round, but it really looks like a poinsettia, don't you think?

Marty's done a little differently with small log cabins in the center........

A Valentine's version by Linda............

Another one from another Pam.............

Fran added a row and really played with the layout............  We all liked the "eyes" in the center.

Joyce's blocks (hot off the machine at 4:30) all done in batiks.  Can't wait to see it set together.

Gina's done in gray and yellow.  We're hoping she calls is Streaks of Lightning!

Mary's done in a colorful rick rack design......

And Carrie's done in Christmas fabrics...........love the pieced border!

And my Triple Treat quilt is finished!  Check off another UFO!  

So, funny story about this one.  I made all these blocks as Leader/Enders (in between other projects).  The blocks were so fun and soothing to piece.  But when I put them together, I really didn't care for the quilt.  So, I used up some fabrics I didn't care for and pieced a backing for it.  Now, I was doing this while we were moving/storing things and tearing up flooring to prepare for the new floors.  I had just finished quilting 11 smaller things for my mom, so I put it on the longarm and started quilting.  I used a basketweave pattern that I hadn't used on a big quilt before and quilted in gold thread.  Everything was going well and I was 2/3 finished when I was moving the quilt up and realized that the backing wasn't long enough.  Well, I couldn't figure out how this had happened.  I went back to my notes and finally realized that I had turned one of the backing fabrics when I cut it and sewed it together.  I really really really didn't want to take if off the machine and add a short strip to the bottom, so I finally just took my seam ripper and removed the bottom row of blocks.  Voila!  Problem solved.  Of course I looked this extra row over several times to see if there was any possible use for it, and none that were very attractive came to mind, so I just dropped it in one of the big trash cans that were full of carpet padding and other debris to be disposed of.  It's now a completed project with no lingering parts to have to deal with.  And I have to say I like the quilt better now that it's all done.  I finished it with a scrappy black binding, using up scraps of blacks -  grunge, dots, stripes, solids - and I think it worked and used up some more scraps.  Of course, everything looks good when it's quilted in gold!  

I'll get back to the rest of the Missouri Quilt Museum photos in the next post.  Stay tuned!  And Happy Birthday to my cousin, Susie!


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