And, I was "gifted" some more scraps. A nice lady asked if I would like to take some scraps because she really wasn't wanting to take any home............. well, of course, I HAD to at least look! It was a bounteous haul.
This piece with the birds might be my favorite. I really don't consider it a scrap as there were 2 yards in the piece.
There were batik scraps.........
and more batik scraps..........
and then some flannels.......... about 2 yards of the holly, maybe a little less of the striped below.
And the one below has about 5 yards..........I'm thinking some flannel pants for Sarah. That's what she wears for work as she still works mostly from home. This flannel was cute and very soft.
About a yard of the butterfly flannel........no idea what to do with it.
and this nice rubbermade tub to carry it all home in. Willow was on hand to help inspect each piece as it came out to be petted.........fabric and dogs, things to be petted! And not in that order according to Willow!
I have been working on the binding for the Just Kitten Around quilt. Yes, that is the actual name of the pattern, not just because of the cute kitten sleeping on it while I work.
Just precious, isn't she?
Of course, when you need to turn a corner, she lets you know about the disturbance it causes in her slumber!
Again, can you see the Cruella hair?
I received the email today that it's my turn to get the update for my Quilt Path program. The new version is supposed to be fabulous with even more cool things we can do while quilting. Of course, I probably only utilize about 5% of the program as it is, so this will be a major adjustment. I did successfully back up all my design files and am now updating my surface to Windows 11 so that I can download the new program. I'm at 55%, and it has been downloading longer than I have been working on this post. I probably have time to run the vacuum and more before it's finished.
Woops! It just bounced to 56%! Better get to vacuuming!