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I live in Mid Missouri on a farm with my husband and daughter.

Monday, May 25, 2020

How does your garden grow?

Well, the hubster finished planting beans last night just before the rain started!  He put in a very long day, planting 155 acres in one day just to get finished.  My flowers are looking beautiful.  I love the black velvet petunias in this big pot.  

 The flower bed around the house is doing well.

We even have some roses blooming. 

And more......

The garden is another story.
The potatoes and onions that were planted way early are doing well.

The peas, beets, spinach, and carrots were planted during quarantine.  The peas decided to take the "social distancing" rule very seriously and only about 2 plants came up in each of the 4 rows.  The beets, carrots, and spinach decided to adhere to the just stay in rule and didn't come up at all!  So, now they have been tilled again and we replanted peas, planted green beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, and spaghetti squash. 

The 2 rows of corn that were planted later are up and an additional 12 rows were planted in the field, so hopefully we will be putting corn in the freezer this year.

I have one little red raspberry twig left, and one blackberry twig that is covered in blooms.  I don't think any of the apple trees have anything (or I just need glasses), the peach tree has peaches, but has more dead limbs than live ones.  The cherry trees probably have enough cherries for one pie if I beat the birds to them.

The black raspberries are trying to make up for the less than stellar efforts of the other fruit offerings.  I have never seen them this loaded.

Upon digging around the basement looking for something, I came upon a forgotten Christmas gift, and herb garden growing kit.  It had dirt discs, seeds, pots, and directions.  Sarah and I had fun "making dirt" and planting the seeds.
The kitchen was a little messy when we got through.
These are now sitting in the kitchen window.  So far, there are no signs of life, but we'll give them a little more time and hopefully we'll have some fresh herbs.

How is your garden doing?

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