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I live in Mid Missouri on a farm with my husband and daughter.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Bag Lady

This past week has seen some time in the sewing room making bags!  Dontcha just love cat toes!

I had been wanting to make another Mondo bag for ME!  I had 2 charm packs and it seemed irresponsible not to use every piece, so with a little creativity, I found some scrap greens and was able to make 2!  One will be gifted to Mercedes when she visits from Spain over Labor Day weekend.  She was my parents' exchange student when my sister was in high school.

Of course I had much supervision while working on this project.  The quality of the fabric must be well tested.

Even the partially completed bag must be tested to see if it will hold a kitty!

And here they are finished!

I also made a bag for my dad to put his scriptures in to take to church on Sundays.  I managed to get a little bonus zipper bag from the fabric I quilted for it.  

And since I had "remembered" (ok, I actually consulted the youtube video I've used in the past) how to make zipper bags, I made these as well.  This was some previously quilted fabric that I had stuffed in a project box with the zippers to make "sometime".  So, there's another empty project box!  The hubster's comment was, "I can't believe you HAD all those zippers!"  Little does he know I have several more than that.

My Upscale Plaid quilt is also finished and ready for show and tell at the guild meeting Tuesday.  I really like how this turned out.  I'd like to make another in different colors.

And when there is extra fabric left from the project, make it into something before just adding it to the scrap stash...........plaid placemats!  

And another UFO finish!  This was created from a bunch of 2" x 5" strips I had overcut for another project.  Obviously I had REALLY over cut based on the size of this quilt.  I just started sewing the colors together in a pinwheel rail fence sorta pattern and when I had a bunch made, I worked with different ways to lay them out.  I think I only went back and made 3 extra to get this to work out.

This will be shown at guild and then gifted away.  It also means there is only ONE UFO left on my list!  My goal is to have it finished by the September quilt meeting.

And I really need to get back to work on my challenge project.  



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