I have been waiting and waiting for my human to get back to this blog and sharing beautiful pictures of me and the things we make in the sewing room, but she never gets it done, so I'm taking over the blog. I don't understand why she can't get the blog done, but I suspect it has something to do with this thing.............
I know the humans call her Willow, but let's be real. Her name is definitely The Canine Catastrophe. So, there is good news and bad news on The Canine Catastrophe. One day, they took her away to the vet and she was gone ALL DAY! That's the good news. The bad news, they brought her back! The good news was they had fixed it so there wouldn't be any more little Canine Catastrophes running around. The bad news........she had to stay in the house with ME for several days. The good news - they took her back to the vet because she was licking her belly. The bad news - they brought her back home...........and she gained even more of their attention and sympathy.
Especially since she has taken over my window seat.
At least they don't let her in when it rains..........
p.s. unless she catches me using the computer, I'll be back to blog tomorrow about some of our sewing projects.
Cute pictures and clever blogging by Cici.