Happy May Day everyone!!! Yes I took a month off from blogging, but that doesn't mean nothing was going on............... Esme has been giving me the Evil Eyes about blogging, so I'd best get back to it.
Quite a bit happened since we last talked, so it will take some time to catch up. I thought today we'd catch up on the quilt FINISHES!
First Up, an item on my UFO list from 2022, this little Christmas wall hanging. Now, you may wonder why it took so long (I'd even made one before, so knew what I was doing). This was a pack of 2.5" squares and I had originally started a table runner, but didn't like how it was going, so never finished it. It made the 2023 UFO list, so it had to get worked on. I'm very happy with how this wall hanging turned out, and it's probably destined to be a gift for someone I may get to see this summer.

Next up - AND COULD WE GET A DRUM ROLL PLEASE.............. My oldest UFO is now finished! I started these barn embroidery blocks way back (not exactly sure, but we're getting close to 10 years). Sitting at a track meet for 2 days in February at Univ of Nebraska gave me time to almost finish the last block. The pattern is called Appalachian Memories. I didn't like the way it was set together. After studying the pattern for awhile, I realized that what I didn't like was the width of all the sashing. The pattern called for it to be twice as wide as what you see here. So I just did the same thing, but made everything half as wide. All of the brown and tan scraps came from my stash. Then I started on the quilting. I did this one all free hand, NO COMPUTER! It took a little over a week of work (the hubster questioned the length of this activity, but I when I mentioned the 10 years to do the blocks, he decided what did one more week matter!). It's not perfect quilting, but I'm very happy with it. I can't wait to show it at guild this month and then hang it up to enjoy!

So, of course, when I was refiguring all the sashings, I forgot to take that into account for the outer pieced border. They turned out too long. I ended up cutting them off and remaking them which left me 14 little pieces that I used in this table runner (well twelve of them.....2 were tossed in the trash). If fits perfectly on top of the bookcase.
My mom received some boxes of fabric from someone and I was "blessed" with the focal fabric you see in this next quilt. So I pulled some scraps and made a fall version of the Pumpkin Pie quilt. I even pieced the backing and used up a panel I know longer had a particular fondness towards. This will be donated to the guild's bazaar at the quilt show this fall.
Do you think it will sell better since if comes with feet and a cat?
So that's all of the complete finishes from April. Stay tuned!