I know there is still a week of November left, but I thought I should take this chance to do one more November post and catch up on November happenings.
We went to Rolla to see DD and attend her orchestra concert. She was the principal second violin and had a solo in Legends of the Fall.........a beautiful piece of music even if the movie wasn't that great. She was blessed to have several people attend the event and then she gave them a tour around the campus.
Grandma and Grandpa Bentley, Elliott and Andrea Bentley, and cousins Pam and Susie Nielson were all there. It was a beautiful afternoon.
The really big news is that not only will she be graduating in May, but she has a job! Accenture Technology made her an offer and she accepted. She will start sometime after graduation and will be located in St. Louis (not too far from home!).
In the sewing room, I managed to declutter a little and discovered that there were many empty project boxes (don't worry, I'll fix that soon!). There was also a box of pieces and parts (widows and orphans) or some might say leftovers. I used the leftovers to make some placemats - yes, each one is different - that can be used to practice quilting on later.
This one is made from parts from the On Ringo Lake quilt I did a couple of years ago.
These pinwheels were purchased at a quilt guild garage sale and didn't make it into the baby quilt I use the rest of the pinwheel blocks in.
And this pig placemat is made with the pig I colored in the class I took about coloring on your quilts. It was fun to learn a new technique. I'm not sure how much I would use this in a quilt, but the instructor had some creative ideas about coloring your labels for the quilt backs. Since I am really bad about labeling my quilts, I may have to try some colored labels.
And on the sports front, football season for the nephews came to an end on Nov. 8th. They had a great run, and made it to the final 8 before being defeated. It was really neat to be able to hook the laptop up to the television and watch it through Youtube on TV!
Cici really enjoys sports on TV and when it's Carter and Jackson playing, it's even better!
Thanks to the extended season, my Friday Night Lights quilt was totally completed that day...........binding was finished!
I'm very happy with how this one came out. Cici feels her purrpose in life is to photo bomb quilt pictures!
Last night I made some zipper bags for the nephews' girlfriends. These 2 were totally finished, and I would have finished 2 more, but Tucker, my Singer 301 was giving me some trouble. I finally switched to another machine and call the hubs in to work on Tucker.
I probably won't post again until December. We are having Thanksgiving at our house with my parents and neighbors. Then, we are butchering on Black Friday and Saturday. There won't be much photo taking going on............my hands will be too messy to touch the phone for pix and really, who wants to see pix of that anyway!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I was so excited to make this Christmas throw in just ONE day this past Saturday!
How could this possibly have happened? Did I eat Wheaties for breakfast? Actually, I went to a "Hunter's Breakfast" (it was the first day of hunting season) at a little K-8 school that was sort of on the way to our regular monthly Saturday sewing day at Smith Chapel. They had biscuits and gravy, cinnamon rolls, sausage, and bacon. I think it was all the extra bacon that did it.
It started with a pre-printed panel that I purchased at the Kansas City quilt show in June. My neighbor Karen was trying to help me remember when I bought it and she said, "You remember, it was an impulse buy because we were really tired and we liked standing in that booth because they had squishy mats on the floor and our feet hurt, and we stood there long enough that you purchased it." Oh yeah, that was it. Now why didn't I just buy the pattern there too??? Did they not have it? Or was I just too tired to notice there was a cute Pattern? That was probably it. I found the pattern later in the summer at Cuts and Bolts in Chillicothe. So why did it take so long to start it? Probably because the panel got stuffed in the closet and the pattern in a drawer and I had to do some major cleaning out and straightening to find them.............the panel was discovered buried under a mound of batting scraps that were recently sewn together to make a "Frankenbatt" and then a search for the pattern ensued which lead to some organizing of patterns into binders etc., so this really was a WIN!

The panel was purrsonally inspected by the chief inspector and deemed a good project to work on.
The fabric inventory was purrused by the chief inspector and her trusty assistant for just the right fabrics (yes, it's all from the stash), and then the cutting began. Most of the pieces were cut prior to Saturday's sewing day (allowing for some mistakes in both the pattern and by the person cutting which had to be recut on Saturday) and the tree and house blocks were all pieced at the sewing day.
Normally when I get home from a sewing day, all of my stuff sits on the steps waiting to be carried up and put away another day. Somehow, (probably due to the bacon for breakfast), everything was carried up to the sewing room, put away, and I just kept on sewing. Before supper, the top was complete except for the last border. After watching a movie with the hubs (we watched Yesterday, good movie!) and working on a binding for one of the pastor's t-shirt quilts, I went back up to the sewing room finished the last border, and pieced a backing, made the binding, and even got out that previously created Frankenbatt and trimmed it for the batting.
It was getting late, so it was good that I had some supurrvision for trimming the batting. Now, it just needs to be quilted. That may be awhile, so it's all hanging together nice and neat in the closet.
It was a good weekend because on Sunday, I finally got around to cleaning the bathroom (which hadn't been done in over 2 weeks! Yuck!). That's probably why bathroom cleaner has been added to the shopping list.