When last I blogged, we were in the midst of big snows, and lots of cold weather. I can't count the number of days David spent in flannel shirts (and he really doesn't like flannel). I even purchased some more just to keep from having to do laundry every other day. All of this winter weather led to a bad case of Spring Fever. I spent my days finishing the Orange Crush quilt............
And then, I just couldn't help myself, so I made a rabbit..............and some paper pieced carrots.
The whole thing was so fun to make. The bunny comes from the Elizabeth Hartman Bunny Bunch pattern and the carrots are paper pieced from a pattern I downloaded. Each carrot is different. The bunny's shirt fabric came from the fat quarter I received from our guild's Quilted Cow box. I will be using this as my challenge project for guild. We had to use some of the fat quarter we were given and keep the dimensions to less than 80 inches in perimeter and a few other requirements (which I may have bent the rules on a little).
All of the bad weather found Mabel getting to spend more time inside...........