I don't know if Mabel is experiencing the terrible twos or she's reached her teenage years or what the deal is, but she just can't stay out of trouble. She's just a few seconds from getting on the counter in the above picture.
And she has no concept of personal space. Suffice it to say that she is spending a lot of her time in "Time Outside".
Our shopping trip to Columbia went well. We had lunch out with David's brother and sister-in-law. I did a quick stop at the music store after we dropped stuff off at the Pork Producers office. After lunch, we did the Goodwill drop off, then Joanns, Hy-vee, and Sams. That was more than enough time out among the public.
I did pick up this flannel plaid for backing for Bricks in the Barnyard. It has been washed, pressed, and sewn together and is all ready to quilt. This was such a soft fabric that I can hardly wait to work with it.
Below is the wide backing I purchased for the Orange Crush quilt. I chose a wide back since it is 80" square and would take a lot of piecing to get a nice backing.
So now there are 2 things ready in the quilting closet.
I went back to working on the Randolph & Rudy quilt. I completed these 3 Randolph blocks, but don't like how there is not enough contrast between the sweater and the background. I am contemplating options as to whether to change the whole sweater, just the outside of the sweater, or what. Of course, it is going to depend on fabric availability or possibly going in search of more fabric. I know, you are on pins and needles as to what I will decide. In the meantime, I have decided to work on another of the blocks while I'm contemplating.
Mabel (in a moment of good) passed the sewing time in Esme's sleeping spot by one of my sewing machines.
Stay tuned to see what becomes of the Randolph blocks that need some sweater fashion adjustment!Christi