First, let me state that it is me, not Cici, typing this blog today. We have been enjoying some wonderfully high temps this past week. I made popsicles for Willow by partially submerging a dog treat or toy in a plastic container of water and freezing it. She likes them, but would really like to play with them INSIDE, in the air conditioning.............the melting prohibits this!
She now has a wading pool on the patio so she can take a cooling soak whenever she wants. She still prefers to be inside.
Here she is cooling her belly fur..........she held that pose for quite awhile! And she has given up laying in front of the back door (after a few bonks on the noggin), and has found a new favorite spot, further back, right over the air vent!
And, when there is something interesting to watch on tv, like the Westminster Kennel Club Show, she will hang out in the living room.
And Willow's favorite thing to do is go for a ride. The UPS truck has learned that if the door is open, she will jump in and go wherever.
And while Cici hasn't been blogging, she has been helping in the sewing room. We worked on the Laundry Basket Mystery Quilt...........
She checked the directions for me. I used blue and neutral scraps.........
Here is the center portion completed. We're working on a star border now.
And, much to her dismay, Cici got a bath at the beginning of June. It's not that she was particularly dirty, but I have a couple of piano students for June, and one of them is allergic to cats, so a bath can really help cut down on the cat dander.
It didn't take too long to dry out.
We also pieced this table runner which I'm hoping to quilt soon.
I quilted an embroidered quilt for my mom. I did custom work, putting in sashing and cornerstone motifs and doing free motion around the embroidery.
And I have been working on my guild challenge project. I have 2 blocks done. They are tiny, 44 pieces in each little block. Cici thinks these pieces might be too small to work with.
Happy Father's Day! I'm excited because we are eating out today, unlike Mother's Day when I had to cook the meal and then take it to the family dinner.